3640 Ios Gns3

  1. 3640 Ios Gns3 Manual
  2. 3640 Ios Gns3 Software
  3. 3640 Ios Gns3 Features

Gns3 has a feature called Dynamips which allows us to install (CISCO IOS) image and emulate the router environment. To perform router installation, we need to have an IOS image. Let’s install router C-3640 on gns3 now. Step 1: Open the gns3 VM then navigate to - Edit-preferences - Dynamips - IOS routers.

3640 3660 3725 3745 7200. Cisco IOS to use with GNS3 due to licensing issues. GNS3 is meant to be used in a lab environment for testing and learning. GNS3 offers multiple ways to emulate IOS. For older images, we use and maintain Dynamips; an emulator dedicated to emulate some Cisco hardware. Dynamips can run unmodified IOS images. In the new GNS3 1.4, there is a way to run a second category of switches and routers. These are classified as Routing and Switching virtual machines (or R+Svms) for short. GNS3是一款具有图形化界面可以运行在多平台(包括Windows, Linux, and MacOS等)的网络虚拟软件。Cisco网络设备管理员或是想要通过CCNA,CCNP,CCIE等Cisco认证考试的相关人士可以通过它来完成相关的实验模拟操作。.

Download 3640 Switch IOS image for Gns3 | 3600 Series:

GNS3 is network simulator and offers number of ways to emulate Cisco Image or other IOS. YOu can run different Cisco IOS images in gns3 with Dynamips.

In Gns3 by default there is no way of running Cisco switch, but using Cisco 3640 IOS image you can convert your router into switch. There is a module i.e. NM-16ESW module which can be used with Cisco 3640 IOS in gns3 and provide you the switching features in GNS3. There are many cisco images which supports NM-16ESW-module, such Switch IOS images for GNS3 is 3600 series c3640.

You can run this IOS in GNS3 and create different switching labs with this IOS. These Switching labs includes:

  • Vlan
  • VTP
  • Inter-vlan routing

You can Download this IOS from Here for educational purpose for your GNS3. Click on the download 3640 IOS image for gns3 for starting the downloading:

3640 Switch IOS image for Gns3

You can use the following interfaces or ports/ modules with GNS3:

  1. Leopard-2FE
  2. NM-16ESW
  3. NM-1FE-TX
  4. NM-1E
  5. NM-4E
  6. NM-4T

I hope this aricle is informative for your. Share your comments in comments sections. Thank you.. !

Table of Contents


Creating IOS Router Template

In creating a network diagram for the GNS3 project, you will create a router template. This section explains the procedure for creating an IOS router template that uses the IOS image file of the actual router.

Step 1: Prepare an IOS image file

You should save the IOS image file to local storage beforehand, and Cisco 3640 series IOS is relatively easy to obtain and use on GNS3.

Refer to the following article on how to download an IOS image file from your router.

Step 2: Open [Preferences].

3640 Ios Gns3 Manual

Start GNS3 and click [Edit] → [Preferences] to open the [Preferences] window.

Step 3: Open the IOS router template creation window.

Select [IOS routers] and click [New] to open the Create IOS Router Template window.

Step 4: Creating the IOS router template

From the Create IOS Router Template window, create an IOS router template by specifying the required information.

IOS image file path


Select Existing Image and specify the path to the IOS image file.

Template Name

3640 Ios Gns3 Software

The router’s template name is the platform name by default, such as “c3640”. You can specify the name of the template if necessary. it is useful to know the IOS feature set and version.

RAM size

Determine the amount of RAM in the IOS router you want to emulate. there is a link to the Feature Navigator to find out how much RAM you need for the IOS you are using in the Feature Navigator.

Modules to be mounted

Select the modules to be mounted in the slot of the router. WIC can be mounted if necessary.


Specify Idle-pc value. When you click [Idle-PC finder], the appropriate Idle-pc value is measured. When an appropriate value is measured by the [Idle-PC finder], click [Finish], and the creation of the IOS router template is complete.


Step 5: Verify the IOS router template

Verify the contents of the IOS router template you created.

Creating an EtherSwitch router template

Using the actual IOS image, create an EtherSwitch router template for use as an L2/L3 switch. Just check [This is an EtherSwitch router] on the template name selection window.

Check [This is an EtherSwitch router] to automatically change the template name to “EtherSwitch router”. Change the name if necessary.

The slot1 is also automatically equipped with the “NM-16ESW” module; Fa1/0 to Fa1/15 can be used as switch ports.

3640 Ios Gns3 Features

How to use GNS3