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ArcGIS Maps for Office is deployed as an add-in to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. For ArcGIS Maps for Office to operate properly, Esri assumes an operation configuration of these applications. Esri tests ArcGIS Maps for Office only in software environments certified as supported by Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint; not all Excel- or PowerPoint-supported environments have been tested or certified. For more information, see the Esri supported environments policy.
System requirements
ArcGIS Maps for Office requires Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint.
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For additional information, including the required processor speed, memory, and hard disk space, see the system requirements for the following:
Embedded spreadsheets
Although Microsoft Word allows you to embed and work with an Excel spreadsheet in a document, this workflow is not supported by ArcGIS Maps for Office and is not recommended.
Supported platforms
ArcGIS Maps for Office is supported for use with the following:
- Microsoft Office 2013 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Microsoft Office 2016 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Microsoft Office 2019 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Microsoft Office 365 (on-premises*)
ArcGIS Maps for Office supports the on-premises (desktop) version of Office 365; it does not currently support the web browser application.
ArcGIS account
To use ArcGIS Maps for Office, you must have an ArcGISuser type that includes privileges to create, analyze, and share content in an ArcGIS Online organization or an on-premises ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. You can sign up for a free trial subscription of ArcGIS Online. It is assumed that the authentication method used to access the platform has been properly configured by the ArcGIS administrator. Public ArcGIS Online accounts are not supported.
ArcGIS Maps for Office supports the following ArcGIS versions:
- ArcGIS Online current version
- ArcGIS Enterprise 10.3 and later
Authentication methods
ArcGIS Maps for Office supports the following authentication methods:
Platform | ArcGIS Online built-in | IWA | PKI | SAML | OAuth |
ArcGIS Enterprise | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported |
ArcGIS Online | Supported | Not applicable | Not applicable | Supported | Supported |
Encryption protocols
ArcGIS Maps for Office supports the following encryption protocols:
ArcGIS Maps for Office version | SSL 1.0 | SSL 2.0 | SSL 3.0 | TLS 1.0 | TLS 1.1 | TLS 1.2 | TLS 1.3 |
2020.1.2 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
2020.1.1 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
2020.1 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
5.0.2 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
5.0.1 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Required software
The following software must be installed and configured on your system:
- Microsoft Office 2013, 2016*, or 2019 or Microsoft Office 365 on-premises
*With Microsoft Office 2016 version 16.0.6326.1010, ArcGIS Maps for Office settings do not function as designed. All other Microsoft Office 2016 versions are supported.
- Microsoft Windows. Supported versions are as follows:
- Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Windows 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime assemblies
Supported languages
ArcGIS Maps for Office is available in the following languages:
Arabic, Czech, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (Traditional Hong Kong), Chinese (Traditional Taiwan), Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
ArcGIS Maps for Office uses the language specified in the Excel Options Backstage view, not the operating system's culture setting. If you're using an unsupported language, the app uses English.
For installation of ArcGIS License Manager, please refer to the topic License Manager Installation and Startup. Installation procedures for ArcGIS License Manager software have not changed with the introduction of support for named user licenses.
After installation of ArcGIS License Manager, named user licenses may be added for ArcGIS Pro and Premium Apps. These licenses are obtained from the My Esri website, where a named user license file (*.lic) must be created for consumption by the License Manager. Following successful authorization of the named user entitlements on the License Manager, a portal configuration file (*.json) must be generated and exported to the Portal for ArcGIS instance.
Each separate Portal for ArcGIS installation (with a different set of named users) requires its own License Manager.
Creating an authorization file in My Esri
For creating the named user license file in My Esri, the MAC address of the License Manager must be provided as part of the process. To identify the correct MAC address of the License Manager:
- Open the License Server Administrator from Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager.
- In the Authorization panel of the License Server Administrator, press the Machine IDs button.
- Copy and paste or note the MAC address of the License Manager to which the file is going to be applied.
Be aware that a machine can have multiple MAC addresses. If this is the case for your machine, they will be listed separated by spaces. Any one of the listed MAC addresses can be used when creating the license file.
To create the ArcGIS Pro or Premium App named user authorization file:
- Login to the My Esri website and click My Organizations > Licensing > Create New Provisioning File.
- In Step 1A, select your Product Type, Version, and proceed to choose to provision core products, extensions, or both. Select Apply when finished.
- In Step 1B, allocate the number of ArcGIS Pro or Premium App entitlements you require and press Next.
- In Step 2A, add the end-user information.
- In Step 2B, enter the MAC address, as previously noted.
- In Step 2C, choose the delivery option for your file and press Create File.
Authorizing the named user authorization file in the License Manager
Following the creation of the named user authorization file (*.lic) in My Esri, the file must be authorized on the ArcGIS License Manager:
- Open the License Server Administrator from Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager.
- In the Authorization view, choose Named User in the drop-down and then click Authorize Now. The Software Authorization Wizard will now be launched.
- In the Software Authorization Wizard choose the option I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process and then click the Browse button.
- Browse to a named user authorization (*.lic) file, select it, and then click Open.
- In the Software Authorization Wizard, press Next to complete the authorization process.
- A pop-up will be displayed confirming the named user licenses have been applied. Click OK to continue.
- A Re-reading Licenses message will be displayed for a few seconds.
- Once the re-read is complete, the named user licenses that were authorized can be inspected by going to the Availability view of the License Server Administrator and clicking the Named User dropdown in the upper right hand corner. All authorized ArcGIS Pro and Premium App named user licenses will be listed here.
For more information on understanding named user licenses in the Availability view of the License Server Administrator, please see the Useful Information and Best Practices topic.
Creating a Portal configuration file
Once the License Manager is authorized with named user licenses, a portal configuration file can be generated and transferred to portal to complete the licensing configuration. To generate the portal configuration file:
- In the License Server Administrator, go to Authorization view and click on the Generate... button under the Generate a Portal configuration file: item.
- A pop-up will provide the option to save the portal configuration file to a preferred location. The default file name (portal.json) may also be changed here. Use the created *.json file to authorize the Portal for ArcGIS which will support ArcGIS Pro and Premium App named users.
For more information on authorizing and configuring the Portal for ArcGIS for supporting ArcGIS Pro and Premium App named users, please see the Portal for ArcGIS help documentation. For configuring the ArcGIS Pro application for use with the Portal for ArcGIS, see the ArcGIS Pro help topics. For configuring applicable Premium Apps for use with Portal for ArcGIS, please see the relevant documentation for specific applications.
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Performing an in-place upgrade of an existing License Manager with named user licenses
Named user licenses for use with a Portal for ArcGIS instance remain the same at 10.5.1. If you perform an in-place upgrade of the ArcGIS License Manager software from versions 10.3-10.5 to 10.5.1, there is no need to re-authorize your valid named user licenses or export the Portal JSON file to Portal for ArcGIS. The in-place upgrade instructions for ArcGIS License Manager software can found in the License Manager Installation and Startup topic.
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If ArcGIS License Manager 10.5.1 for use with Portal for ArcGIS is installed on a new host machine, then the named user licenses must be authorized on the new License Manager and a new Portal JSON file must be exported to the ArcGIS for Portal instance.