Scrivener Mac Dark Mode Themes

Dark Theme (Dev) folder. Inside, copy the folder Dev, and paste it in the folder that says Paste Dev Here. After that, go to your desktop and right-click. Now click on Personalize and go to Themes tab from the sidebar. From there, scroll down and click on the theme Dev (Rounded) (or Dev) to apply the dark theme.


* This video lesson utilizes Scrivener 3 for Mac. There may be some difference in features and interface set-up if you are using Scrivener 2 or Scrivener for Windows or iOS.

  • Scrivener for iOS—Major Update. The iOS version of Scrivener got its first major update (1.1), and its a welcome one. There are quite a few new features and enhancements, but the one we’re going to focus on today is the new Dark Mode.Activating Dark Mode is a breeze. Simply open a project and touch the gear icon in the footer of fthe sidebar.
  • Back to: Jump Into Scrivener 3 for Windows: A Mini-Course for Scrivener 1 Users. All that white too bright for ya? Scrivener now comes with themes, including Dark Mode. To access them, go to WindowThemes. Once you select a theme, you'll have to restart Scrivener to see it. Below is an example of Scrivener in Dark Mode.


  • Video Download

Scrivener color themes

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Scrivener 3 Dark Mode

* Affiliate link: I will make a small commission on your purchase at no extra cost to you.


Blush Scrivener Theme - Free Resource - GreyZone Pages


Scrivener Dark Theme Windows

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