Windows 7 Minimalistic Icon Pack


windows 8/8.1 version is here

Minimalist icons windows 10Windows 7 icons pack download

These icons are free to use in any kind of project unlimited times. Released under Creative Commons license. Circular Icons Icon Goodies. 7 free icon goodies created by created by Chris Ivarson. For instace, the Blogs icon pack includes Blogger icon, Livejournal icon, Wordpress icon and Xanga icon. Click on the file links below to download Windows 7 Icons Pack (.ico format) (Windows 7 Icon Pack (.ico format).zip) from software publisher's official website.

*Note: Since Windows 7 is more customizable than Win8, this iPack patches quite a few more system-files than the Win8 version does. Please report any bugs.

Minimalist Icons Windows 10

Included in the .zip you’ll find a text-file with instructions about re-naming both the included Nox Win7 iPack and the Reload Icons Cache tool. Due to deviantART’s policy concerning executable files, I’ve had to give this installer and the icon-reload tool the temporary “.ee” file extension. You’ll need to change that extension for both files to an “.exe”…so that the files will then become ‘Nox Win7 iPack.exe’ and ‘Reload Icons Cache.exe’…

Minimalist Icon Pack

Note: Please take the time to read through the License Information during setup, as there are some important tips along with other useful info.